Aaaah summertime, my absolute favorite time of year. Although instead of simply relaxing and soaking in the Sun, this summer is bustling with the excitement of a cross-country move!
You’re probably wondering what “ballet and breastfeeding” have to do with RammDance. Well, that’s part of the news I have to share with you today. So, I’m still breastfeeding my sweet baby boy who recently turned one year old, and according to my calculations, in the past two years since my daughter was born, I’ve spent over 1,500 hours nursing. That is a serious commitment! Those 1,500 hours spent connecting to, and nurturing my babies are so precious and irreplaceable. One thing I don’t do while nursing is be on my phone. (Honestly, I probably would be on my phone except for the fact that my babies won’t nurse if the phone is anywhere in sight, because of how interested they are in it–which is a huge blessing because it keeps the focus on THEM!) Speaking of nursing, did you know that right now, from August 1-7, is National Breastfeeding Awareness Week? I have to say that with all the “outward achievements” in the world, sustaining a new life by exclusive breastfeeding is one thing I am most proud of.

A few days ago, I found myself Googling “nursing leotards ballet” and was surprised that nothing came up! I was expecting to find dance leotards with a snap for easy breastfeeding access–but so far, nothing. (Although I’m contemplating designing a line of nursing dance wear, in all my “spare time” :0) You see, in just one month, I’ll be balancing mom-life and grad-student life as I embark on a true adventure, babies and all, back in my hometown of New York City as I pursue my Masters in Dance Education at NYU.

I couldn't be more excited for this opportunity. I'm looking forward to launching back into the dance world, after completing my Masters degree, with greater knowledge, confidence, life experience (always helps) and a true knowing that I can do anything! And after a year in freezing NYC–who knows? Maybe…just maybe… RammDance will re-launch itself in my favorite spot on the planet, Hawaii…I guess we'll both have to stay tuned ;0)
But in the meantime, during this year I’ll be documenting my journey as a mom of two, dancer, and grad student living in NYC. Look out for more regular newsletters (sign up below), and follow RammDance on Instagram and Facebook for latest updates!
Oh–and I’m also in the finishing stages of writing a memoir, which tells my story, detailing the whirlwind experience I went through in the past two years to bring me to this point. I look forward to being able to share that with you. Despite the twists and turns, I can assure you there’s an inspiring, empowering ending.